We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God,
infallible in its original writings. (2 Timothy 3 vs. 16, 2 Peter 1
vs. 21.)
The Godhead:
We believe in the one ever living, eternal God,
infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, in his
absolute, indivisible deity. This one true God has revealed himself
as father in creation, his Son in redemption and as the Holy Spirit
by emanation. (1 Cor. 8 vs. 6, Eph. 4 vs. 6, 2 Cor. 5 vs. 19, Joel 2
vs. 28.)
The Son of
believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In the fullness of
time, God sent forth His Son born of a woman, to redeem them that
were under the Law. (Gal. 4 vs. 4-5.) In Him dwelleth all the
fullness of the godhead bodily. (Col. 2 vs. 9.) That God was in
Christ reconciling the
world unto
himself. (2 Cor. 5 vs. 19.) That no man can come unto the Father but
by and through the Lord Jesus Christ and his shed blood. That the
Son of God is the only hope of the world. The man Christ Jesus is
mediator between God and man. (1 Timothy 2 vs. 5.)
believe that man is the direct creation of God, body, soul, and
spirit. Therefore, man is not in any way a result of evolution, but
is made in God’s image. The sin and fall of Adam resulted in the
fall of creation and mankind both physically and spiritually.
(Genesis 1 vs. 26-27, Romans 3 vs. 10, Romans 5 vs. 12, Romans 8 vs.
Water Baptism:
believe that water baptism (immersion) is for believers and should be
administered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ according to Acts of
the Apostle (Acts 2 vs. 38, Acts 10, vs. 48, Acts 19 vs. 5.) Thus
fulfilling Matthew 28 vs. 19.
The Holy Spirit:
believe in the baptism of the holy spirit for believers, obtained by
obedience (Acts 2 vs. 38-39, Acts 5 vs. 31-32) by asking (Luke 11 vs.
13) evidenced by speaking in other tongues as the spirit gives
utterance, as a distinct, separate and subsequent experience since
believe tithing is God’s financial plan to provide for his work and has
been since the days of Abraham. Tithing came with faith under Abraham;
Moses law enjoined it, Israel practiced it and Jesus endorsed it
(Matthew 23 vs. 23) and Paul said to lay in store as God has prospered
you. (Mal. 3.)
Final Judgment:
believe that there will be a great and final judgment as recorded in the
Word of God. (Heb. 9 vs. 27, Rev. 20 vs. 11-15.) This is the judgment of
the unjust where all the wicked are judged and all those whose names are
not found written in the Book of Life shall be cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone, which God has prepared for the devil and
his angels, Satan
himself being cast in first. (Matt. 25 vs. 41, Rev. 20 vs. 7-15, Rev. 21
vs. 8.)
those who cry and sigh for others will enter the Kingdom while the rest
will be mercilessly destroyed. Do not be deceived, the destruction
starts at the sanctuary. (Ezekiel 9: 3-6)